miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

Fighting the Romans. Task nº1: The Verbs of Boudicca.

This is the first task ralated to Boudicca´s story

At home, the puplis listened to the podcast by the BBC about the story of Boudicca two or three times. They had to write down all the verbs they heard.

When they´ve finished, they had to access the public document created in the class drive of the gmail email address called: “The verbs of Boudicca” . In it they should add their recognized verbs to the list, in alphabetic order. Here is the link.

The day after in class we reviewed and debated the list and corrected and completed it, at the same time as we worked with the meaning of the verbs.

Target Grades: 6th Grade (A and B)
Schedule: One hour session. 25/11/2015.
Assessment items: - verbs provided to the list; - participation in the debates; - participation in the meaning research.

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