jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Fighting the Romans. Task nº4: Boudicca´s puzzles.

We had worked on Boudicca´s story. It was time to see what we had learnt...

* We divided the class in 4 groups of 5 pupils each (the groups for this month).

* Every group had to create two puzzles based on the vocabulary of the Boudicca´s story script, using the tool: Discovery School PuzzleMaker. This is the link.

* Once they had created them, the agent of every group had to print 3 copies of each of his or her group´s puzzles using the class printer. Then he or she gave one copy to the agent of other 3 groups.

Each group must solve the puzzles created by the other groups in 30 minutes.

Target Grades: 6th (A and B)

Schedule: Two hour sessions. 09/12/2015, 11/12/2015.

Assessment items: - accuracy in the words selected for the puzzles and their definitions; - resolution in time of the puzzles proposed by the other groups.

[Here are two samples of exercises sent by the pupils]

The nouns of Boudicca

3. Female divinity.
5. Organized group of soldiers.
6. Female person that owns a big amount of land where she is the ruler.
1. Ruler of big extension of terrain containing several countries or regions.
2. Person in a group considered the reference if decision-making.
4. Person subdued to other person that considers him/her as a good.

Created by
Puzzlemaker at DiscoveryEducation.com

Boudicca´s Verbs

K I H L P Q M C X U T H F A Y 
I C B A R T J W H H W E F G X 
L B B E S E V N G E A E D T V 
L J I T Y R E I D R A V R N C 
K E Y S O R F J T D B T U X M 
C M A Z K I I F E D Q P S C T 
O L L I H F V S O K Z J N E Z 
S K W G N Y T Y Y B N B F I S 
W C C D W R S S C A R E X B L 
A W M A O R E F F U S L T X E 
J A Y Y T K S J H V J R L B Q 
C V H D M T J A G N L K P C C 
O Z Q O D K A Z X J K J X A P 
S L X O C U O V P I A L F Q A 
E E M J Q N N P H R T W T T Q 

Find 11 of the main verbs worked in the Boudicca´s story, placed into this puzzle.

Created by Puzzlemaker at DiscoveryEducation.com

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