jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Fighting the Romans. Task nº3: Interviewing Boudicca´s Characters.

* For this task, we all were transformed into time travelling reporters. We had to interview the main Characters in Boudicca´s story: Boudicca, Addedo, Antonious and Centurion.

* We divided the class in 4 groups of 5 pupils each (the groups for this month) and each group had to design and carry out a short fiction interview to one of the main characters:

Group one (Represented by Claudia) – Boudicca.

Group two (Represented by Duna) – Addedo.

Group three (Represented by Pablo) – Antonious

Group four (Represented by Carmelo) – Centurion

* Every group had to write a consensus script of the interview.

* After they had write it, they had to choose two actors to play de roles of the interviewer and the character.

* They had to record the interview with the recording application in a smartphone, upload it into podmatic, and post the link into the class blog.

[Here you can download a sample recording with one of the interviews]

Target Grades: 6th (A and B)

Schedule: Two hour sessions. 04/12/2015, 07/12/2015.

Assessment items: - participation in the debates to create the scripts; - grammatical and orthographical correction of the script; - quality of the oral expression in the recording.

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